Choosing Better Snacks

Are you a junk food junkie? Today, I would like to teach you, those who are hooked on junk food about making better choices. This will help you lose weight. See the bowl of fruit to your right? This is one of the healthiest snacks that you can enjoy, which can also help you to [...]

By |July 16th, 2013|Healthy Aging, Heart Health, Nutrition & Food|0 Comments


It goes without saying that arthritis is a painful condition. Today’s blog is about chronic pain due to arthritis. It’s not just the elderly that suffer with this condition. Nerve damage, trauma, or other existing medical conditions can cause an individual of any age to experience pain in their joints. Simple activities such as signing [...]

By |July 15th, 2013|Healthy Aging, Pain Management|0 Comments

What Is Dementia?

As one ages, it is important to be on guard against degenerative diseases such as dementia. Dementia can literally be translated from its original Latin, as meaning “without mind.” Dementia is sort of an umbrella for the many diseases that can affect the brain, such as Alzheimer’s Disease. When it takes its toll on a [...]

By |July 13th, 2013|Brain Function, Healthy Aging|0 Comments


Strokes are one of the most common afflictions of the aged today. Strokes can often leave people in a partially paralyzed state. They may lose feeling on one side of their body, lose the ability to walk, lose control of their bowel or bladder, have difficulty speaking, and can sometimes lose their lives when the [...]

By |June 12th, 2013|Brain Function, Healthy Aging|0 Comments